1939 Iron Cross 1st (#107) & 2nd Class Cased Set, Private Purchase
Price: Sold
Description: A rarely found custom WW2, private purchase cased set of both the 1939 EKI & EKII in Mint condition; The 1939 EKI pattern is die struck, three piece, iron and alloy construction Patté style cross with a single piece iron core and two piece alloy frame. The obverse of the award features an embossed, central, canted, swastika with re-institution date, “1939”, to the bottom arm. The plain reverse of the award has a solid, soldered hinge, a broad, thick, tapered, vertical pin and catch all intact. Cross in marked 107 for its maker Karl Wild of Hamburg. EKII is mint with superb detailing and as is its full length ribbon, fitted snugly into the base of its case. Red leatherette Case is approx 6 x 6-½ inches, slightly domed and near mint with a silken inner lid with an embossed maker’s logo. Choice!
Background: On March 10th 1813, Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm III established the Iron Cross as a temporary award for bestowal during times of war. Originally the Iron Cross was introduced in three grades with a Grand Cross intended for award to Senior Commanders for successfully leading troops in combat and the First and Second classes for award to all ranks for bravery or merit in action. The Iron Crosses were reinstituted by King Wilhelm I on July 19th 1870 for award during the Franco-Prussian War and again on August 5th 1914, by King Wilhelm II for award during WWI. On September 1ST 1939 Hitler once more re-instituted the Iron Cross series of awards in the First and Second Classes and established the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross. The first class medal was for awards to personnel who performed three to five acts of bravery in combat and had already been awarded the Iron Cross second class.