
Kriegsmarine U-Boat Badge

Kriegsmarine U-Boat Badge

Price: Sold

Description:   Mid-war, die struck alloy badge in the form of a horizontal oval laurel leaf wreath with national emblem to top encompassing a submarine. Fine cut-away detailing of the submarine’s conning tower and flag. Tapered wide pin and catch assembly. Unmarked but likely maker S&L.

Background:The U-Boat War Badge was instituted by Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine und Großadmiral, Erich Raeder October 1939 for award to all ranks of U-Boat personnel who had served on at least two sorties against the enemy or were wounded in action. The design of the badge was based on the 1918 Imperial U-Boat War Badge but replaced the Imperial crown with the national eagle and swastika. The badge was to be worn on the lower left breast of most uniforms.

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