Naval Minesweeper/Sub-Chaser War Badge by S&L (Kriegsabzeichen für Minensuch / U-boots-Jagd 1940)
Price: $350
Description: Die struck alloy construction badge in the form of a gilt washed, vertically oval oak-leaf wreath with national eagle at top, burnished, silver washed, horizontal waves and a cut-out, silvered exploding, vertical water funnel. Reverse with wide hinge, flat vertical pin and soldered flat catch hook. Details indicate variant by Steinhauer & Lück, Lüdenscheid (eagles neck & head); Exceptional condition retaining nearly all its bright gilt obverse finish.Ref. The Kriegsmarine Awards by Weber & Skora Vol.1; pages 338-345
BACKGROUND: The Minesweeper’s war badge was instituted in August 1940 by Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine und Großadmiral, (Commander in Chief of the Navy and Grand Admiral), Erich Raeder for award to personnel serving on minesweepers, sub-chasers, and escort vessels who met the prescribed requirements. The main prerequisite for bestowal of the award was participation in three operational sorties.