
Heer Officers Brocade Belt & Buckle

Heer Officers Brocade Belt & Buckle

Price: Sold

Description:  Nice quality, roughly 46mm wide, app 100cm long, bright, silver/aluminum brocade belt. The belt comes with a two piece die stamped aluminum construction, circular belt buckle. The buckle features a highly embossed oak-leaf wreath encompassing a central Wehrmacht, (Armed Forces), style eagle with down-swept wings. The reverse of the buckle is a mirror image of the obverse and has a separate, circular plate insert with a crimped catch and retaining hook. The buckle retaining prongs were designed to be slipped into the opened rectangular, dual pronged-hole, belt securing strap. Belt is adjustable to multiple sizes.

Background:  The Officer’s circular belt buckle was originally introduced in 1937, along with the brocade belt for wear by army Officers when in parade dress, formal dress, informal reporting dress and service dress when full decorations were ordered. The belt buckle for Officers holding the ranks of Lieutenant up to and including Oberst was in matte silver while Officers holding the ranks of Generalmajor up to and including Generalfeldmarschall utilized a matte gold belt buckle. The silver and green brocade belt was the same for all Officers ranks, excluding Music Superintendents and Band Leaders which utilized silver and red brocade belts. Of Note: Officers ranks were responsible for purchasing their own uniforms including belts and as a result were allotted a clothing allowance through the army’s Kleiderkasse, (Clothing Account)system. The Officers could choose to purchase their uniforms items from the armed forces clothing depots or to privately purchase items of higher quality.

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