Luftwaffe Officers Dagger, 2nd Model by Holler
Description:. Luftwaffe 12nd model dagger by Horster; 29cm long, bright, nickel/silver plated, double edged, stiletto style blade with a flat central plane. The leather washer is in situ. The dagger has a well defined, nicely detailed, crossguard, ferrule and pommel. The crossguard features a stylized national eagle with down-swept wings clutching a swastika to the obverse with a random pebbled field to the reverse. The top edge of the crossguard has an ornate etched oak-leaf pattern. The cast ferrule has a repeating, embossed oak-leaf pattern. The orb shaped pommel features an embossed oak-leaf pattern encompassing a dual encircled, canted, embossed swastika on a pebbled field background to both the obverse and the reverse. The dagger has a molded, deep orange/yellow grip with the correct, fine, twisted silver/aluminum wire wrap inset into the diagonally angled grooves. The dagger comes complete with its original silvered steel scabbard The scabbard features a pebbled field to both the obverse and the reverse with smooth side panels. The scabbard has an ornate, embossed, oak-leaf pattern to both the obverse and reverse of the bottom tip. Comes with an original Officers correctly tied portepee.