K98 Pouch Set, Mint Matched Pair; MINT (Patronentasche 98K)
Price: $450
BUY / RESERVE THIS ITEMDescription: Mint unissued condition matched pair of 2nd pattern, blackened pebbled leather construction, three compartment ammo pouches. All 6 of the catgut internal separators are present.. Matched set with identical makers showing no use whatsoever; If you want the best this is it. MINT Condition
Background: The K98 rifle evolved from the WWI Mauser Gew 98 model with slight modifications. The main modification was the shortening of the rifle. Due to restrictions of the Versailles Treaty the K98, wasn’t actually produced in Germany until 1934, although the Mauser company had licenced out production rights to other European countries. When issued all K98’s were equipped with one or two ammunition pouches. The WWII K98 ammo pouches were based on one of two designs of ammo pouches that were originally developed in 1909 and 1911. The 1911 pattern ammo pouches were originally designed for Cavalry personnel but were adopted by the army as a whole in 1933. Generally front line personnel were issued two of these ammo pouches while second line personnel were only issued one pouch. Each pouch would hold thirty rounds of 7.92 mm ammunition. The pouches were utilized through-out the war with minor manufacturing variations. Of Note: The earlier pattern pouches have the belt loops which fold under the pouches bottoms and attach to the studs there, while the latter patterns have the belt loops which are just stitched or riveted to the reverse. The latter patterns also usually have steel fittings as opposed to the earlier aluminum fittings. The “transitional” pattern pouches display features of both the earlier pattern, belt loops which fold under the pouch bottom and the later pattern, steel fittings. Also Of Note: The HwaA ,Heereswaffenamt, (Army Ordnance Office), or the H.Fzm, Heeres Feldzeugmeisterei, both designations were used, was a subsection of the OKH, Oberkommando des Heeres, that was responsible for testing, evaluation and eventual issue of all ordnance including the K98 ammo pouches.