Wehrmacht Assault Pack-“STURMGEPÄCK”, 10 Pcs
Price: Sold
Description: One complete Assault pack (Sturmgepäck) with the basics an individual soldier would carry in the field. Personal-effects would be carried in the A-Frame Bag (Beutel z. Gefechtsgepäck) attached to the A-Frame.
- Rahmen zum Sturmgepäck; web A-Frame maker stamped & dated München 1942.
- Beutel zum Gefechtsgepäck: A-Frame Bag.
- Kochgeschirr; Mess Kit; MINT-dated 1941/42.
- Gurt zum Kochgeschirr; Mess Kit Strap.
- Tarnung Zeltbahn: Camouflage Shelter-Quarter (tent section)/poncho; MINT-maker marked & dated 1939.
- Gurt zum Zeltbahnrolle; double straps for Zeltbahn (pair).
- Zeltstangen; Shared Tent pole section, (4 make a 4 man tent).
- Zeltpflock: 2 tent pegs & rope. (8 make a 4 man tent); dated 1938.