
Wehrmacht F33 FIELD TELEPHONE. (Feldfernsprecher 33)

Wehrmacht F33 FIELD TELEPHONE. (Feldfernsprecher 33)

Price: Sold

Description: MINT 21cm tall, 27cm wide, 9cm thick, molded brown Bakelite construction telephone housing case has a fold back top lid with a screwed on, magnetic sheet metal, horizontal bar hinge to the reverse and a screwed on, magnetic sheet metal, panel with an inset pressure closure clip to the obverse. Nice complete example. The alloy and Bakelite crank handle remains in place. Handset & brown cloth cord is mint; Manufacture marked for “Prüftaste”, dated 1944 & WaA900 in numerous places (see pics). RARE original 1942 dated brown leather detachable shoulder strap is included. These shoulder straps are nearly always missing and seldom found in this mint unissued condition. This overall rig appears as MINT unused.

Background: During WWII each division in the German Army had an integral Signals unit. The Signals unit was usually of Battalion strength and generally consisted of a Headquarters Company, a Radio Company and a Telephone Company. The Signals personnel utilized a wide variety of radio receivers, field telephones and associated communications equipment in all theaters of operation. The Feldfernsprecher 33, (Field Telephone 33), was the standard issue field telephone used by the German military during WWII. The induction magneto F33 field telephone was powered by a 1.5 volt dry cell battery and could be used as a wire communication set and a remote communication set in conjunction with the Tornister Funkgerät d2, and the Tornister Funkgerät b1 & F, (Portable Radio sets models d2, b1 & F). 

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