1st Pattern Allgemeine-SS Visor Cap Set. Totenkopf & Eagle
Price: $450
BUY / RESERVE THIS ITEMDescription: First pattern, pre-1935 die-stamped skull & eagle. Eagle is marked ‘RZM’, “16” & “Ges.Gesch”; Skull is unmarked; As worn on early Kepis and Visor caps of the Allgemeine-SS before being replaced by the 2nd pattern. Ref: ‘SS Metal Cap Insignia’ by A.Reznik; pages 110(3a) & 117-119.
BACKGROUND: In July 1934 shortly after the purge of the SA on the “Night of the Long Knives”, (20.6.1934), the SS, Schutzstaffel was rewarded by Hitler by being granted the status of an independent organization under direct control of the NSDAP. October 1934 in an attempt to distance themselves from the SA, the SS introduced a new pattern cap skull to replace the previously used Imperial Prussian Danziger style skull.The new Totenkopf was made and worn through 1945 and utilized various base metals such as nickel, aluminum,cupal, zinc.etc.