Army Officers Dagger & Hangers by Luneschloss
Price: $1050
BUY / RESERVE THIS ITEMDescription: A great Army Officer Rig that has NEVER been cleaned and is “as found”. The 10.2” blade is overall mint with only a couple of very faint age spots. The reverse ricasso is well marked with a deeply acid etched manufacturer’s logo for “P.D. Luneschloss-Solingen”. The original blackened leather washer remains in-situ. A-top the crossguard is a yellow, artificial-Ivory grip that remains undamaged. The dagger has an overall matching very dark, tarnished appearance to ALL its silvered parts, crossguard, ferrule, pommel & scabbard. Comes with its original hanger set having aluminum fittings and some fraying to its green velvet reverse strappings. In-hand appearance shows this rig as totally untouched!.