SS Officers Sword, Knot & Hanger by Paul Muller-Dachau
Price: Sold
Description: This “PMD Rostfrei” marked blade is Mint with its standard Dachau type brown leather washer. This Dachau Degen is mint throughout. It has a stainless steel “D” guard with separate upper and lower ferrules. The “D” guard is completely textbook, with a teardrop quillon end. The lower ferrule has fine standing oak leaves separated by acorns. The grip is a fine ebony beauty in perfect condition with an outstanding tight nickel wire wrap. The SS runes button is also stainless as it should be with fine raised runes and superb background darkening. The scabbard of this degen is the correct slimmer type as it should be with these Muller swords with correctly made of stainless steel mounts.The scabbard shell is straight throughout with 100% original paint. As it should be with these Dachau versions there is no background darkening to the hilt or scabbard designs.
The SS-Offices Knot is near mint befitting this minty sword. This sword comes with its original SS-brocade sling-hanger showing some age darkening and being a rarity in itself.
Perhaps the finest PMD/Dachau-made SS Officers sword, SS-knot and Brocade hanger ensemble on the market.
Background: The Sword/Sabre is an age-old military tradition that evolved from a functional weapon into an item of uniform dress ornamentation by the start of WWI. This strong tradition continues in many army’s to this day as a symbol of strength and power. After Hitler’s rise to power in 1933 and the reintroduction of conscription in early 1935 a wide variety of new sword and saber designs were introduced to outfit the rapidly growing Wehrmacht. Originally, (circa 1934-36), SS & Police personnel utilized army Officer/NCO’s swords with the army style gold finished components modified to a Silvered finish and often with SS embellishments. June 1936, Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler was appointed to the newly created position of Chef der Deutschen Polizei im Reichsministerium des Innern and new designs for both SS and Polizei swords came about.